Last night was without a doubt one of the worst ever in OLFSL history. Due to that I want to clear/point out a few things.
This league currently runs because of 2 people: me and FienDi. We have
one host, who helps out occasionally and 2 guys who have a task; Scirocco is working on the rules update, and Solar Hydro is the Appeals Arbiter.
Me and FienDi started thinking last night, and I think it's time to say this.
We use 98% of our free time (what's left after FienDi comes from work/school and I come from school and get my homework done) to keep this league running, we do not only do this for free;
we actually pay to keep OLFSL going. The league has no income, so
we take the money out of our own pockets. Also even when we're at work/school, we think about new events and ideas for fun minievents, just so you guys would have a lot of fun racing! Often our own personal life comes in second, because we put the league first.
Now my question is: is this what we get in return?
To be honest this doesn't exactly make us want to think of new fun minievents. Luckily most of you enjoyed it and had fun!
Some of you entered the server just to start complaining and went on and on with it even after FienDi apologized twice. What more could he have done at that point?? It was the last pool of the evening, and no one else seemed to have a problem with the concept.
The official complaint about us letting priits continue after the disconnection I kind of understand, but complaining about the fact that we didn't use reverse starting order
in this one race, is to me nothing but being petty and making others feel bad because of very meaningless little things. As pointed out before, this
was not a normal 2 start race.
I'm sorry if some of you got the wrong idea of what the race was supposed to be. Maybe we can improve the Race Calendar a bit and in the future this kind of things will be there as well.
Things don't always go your way, we have a lot of members and many of them have a request about our events. That's a good thing, but we can't always please everyone. If we do one thing, someone else wants the other. However, we do try our best with this league.
There are still many flaws in the rules, but those are being updated as we speak. Actually have been for months now. A lot of things have changed since me and FienDi took over, and because of that the rules haven't been up to date in a long time. However we agreed with the staff, that update will be postponed until S2 is released.
Some of us work really hard so you'd have a league to race in. We do improve it all the time, but no one is forced to be with us. We warmly welcome everyone who wants to join us and stay with us, but that doesn't mean we can take anything..
As long as we have those guys who stood up for us in the chatterbox and keep thanking us and participating in our events, this is all worth it.
This for all those guys: THANK YOU!
Btw.. this is just my opinion and has nothing to do with OLFSL. The thank you is on behalf of OLFSL though :thumb3d:
Mrs FienDi